пятница, 11 декабря 2009 г.

Сценарий урока

Тема: «Animals»
Образовательная: формирование лексического навыка, совершен-ствование произносительных навыков, развитие умения чтения и ауди-рования.
- знать значение, звуковую и графическую форму слов: a giant, a trunk, the hottest, enough, a hunter, an ivory tusk.
- употреблять данные лексические единицы в условно-речевых упражнениях.
- понимать смысл иноязычного высказывания после однократного прослушивания.
- Уметь прогнозировать содержание текста по его заголовку.
Развивающая: развитие памяти и внимания, речевого слуха и слуховой памяти.
Воспитательная: воспитание бережного отношения и любви к животным.

Ход урока.

I. Начало урока. Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения.
Hello, children! How are you?
At the lesson today we'll play, read and talk about animals and pets.
What animals do you know? Which of these animals are wild and which are domestic?

II. Повторение изученного материала.
Children, read and find the odd animal, (лишнее животное) (задание представлено на доске).
- A cat, a dog, a hare, a hen, a pig.
- A hen, a duck, a frog, a cockerel.
- A monkey, a hare, a fox, a cow.
- A crocodile, a duck, a frog, a bear, a fish.

Find 10 animals. Работа с кроссвордом.

Children, look at the blackboard. You can see many animals. Say,
what colour are they?
- what colour is the dog?
- what colour is this cat?
- what colour is the monkey?
- what colour is the fox?
- what colour is your pet?
- Have you got a pet?
- Have you got a dog or a cat?

Listen to me and guess these riddles.
- It gives us a milk. It says "moo-moo." (a cow)
- It's very big and grey, (an elephant)
- I'm white. I don't like foxes, (a hare)
- I'm little. I'm green. I can jump and swim. What am I? (a frog)
- I'm brown. I can jump, ran, climb. I cannot fly. I like bananas, (a monkey)
- I'm red. I live in the forest. I can run, jump. I like hares, (a fox)

III. Развитие умения чтения.
Today we talk about elephants. What do you know about them?
Now we read the text about animals. Read the title of this text. How do you think, what is the text about?
These are the words we need by the reading of this text.
A giant – гигант, великан
A trunk – хобот
The hottest – самый жаркий
Enough – достаточно, в достаточном количестве.
A hunter – охотник
An ivory tusk – бивень
Giants in danger.
Elephants need a lot of water. They fill their trunks and spray their bodies. Elephants rest only during the hottest part of the day and for a few hours each night. In fact, they eat about 16 hours a day. Many elephants die in Africa because they do not have enough to eat or to drink and because they do not have enough space to live in.
Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year. Some kill them for meat. But most kill elephants for their ivory tusks.
There are many animals in the national parks. But they do not have enough grass and leaves to eat there.
Maybe some day you will help to find a way to save them.

Read the text and choose the correct answer.
1. Elephants need water
a) to drink only.
b) to drink and to shower their bodies.
c) to drink and to swim in it.
2. Elephants eat
a) three times a day.
b) one time a day.
c) more than ten hours a day.
3. Hunters kill elephants
a) for their meet.
b) for their skin.
c) for ivory.
4) In the national parks
a) they have enough grass and leaves to eat.
b) they do not have enough grass and leaves to eat.
c) they have enough water.
Are these statements true or false?
true false
1. Elephants don’t have enough food in national parks.
2. Elephants kill a lot of hunters every year.
3. Elephants eat twenty hours.
4. Elephants need a lot of water.
5. Many elephants die in Africa.

Put the sentences in the right order.
- Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year.
- There are many animals in the national parks.
- Elephants need a lot of water.
- But they do not have enough grass and leaves to eat there.
- They fill their trunks (хоботы) and spray their bodies.
- Many elephants die in Africa.

And now tell about elephants. What new information about them you’ve become.

IV. Подведение итогов урока. Прощание.
Children, today we learn an interesting information about elephants. You worked very good at the lesson.
Good buy!

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